II. Definitions
- Bone Stress Injury (BSI)
- Accumulation of bone microdamage resulting in a spectrum of overuse injuries
- Stress Fractures represent 20% of bone stress injuries
- BSI reflects an injury progression with intervention opportunities before Fracture occurs
III. Epidemiology
- Stress Fracture accounts for up to 20% of sports medicine injuries (varies by sport and cohort)
- Stress Fracture represents 10-15% of all Running Injury (esp. cross country)
- Stress Fracture represents up to 20% of injuries in women who are runners or military recruits
- Stress Fractures occur in up to 10% of military recruits early in basic training (esp. low fitness at entry)
- Age
- Bimodal distribution (age <20 years and age >40 years)
- Gender Relative Risks
- Women > Men
- Relative Risk = 3.5 overall (including female military recruits and athletes)
- White males > Black males
- Relative Risk = 4.7
- White females > Black females
- Relative Risk = 8.5
- Women > Men
IV. Mechanisms
- Bone remodeling is triggered by microinjury
- Osteoclasts remove damaged bone and Osteoblasts lay down new bone in its place
- Repeated microinjury results in an imbalance between load-induced microinjury and repair
- Microdamage accumulates when rate of damage exceeds rate of repair
- Osteoclast removal of bone is not matched by sufficient Osteoblast activity
- Injuries progress from bone stress reaction, to Stress Fracture and to complete Fracture
- Stress reactions have increased bone turnover (marrow edema on MRI)
- Stress Fractures demonstrate a Fracture line
- Contributing Factors
- Weight bearing
- Muscle forces
- Muscle Strength increases faster than bone strength
- Muscle Fatigue
V. Risk factors
- Repetitive activity in Sports and Training
- Increases in intensity, frequency, and loading
- Too fast
- Too far
- Increased duration of high impact activity is correlated with an increased Stress Fracture risk
- Too soon
- Biomechanical forces (esp. Running)
- Over pronators or Supinators
- Rear foot eversion during stance phase
- Excessive hip adduction
- Hallux Valgus
- Genu Varum or genu valgus
- Increased Q Angle of the Knee
- High Longitudinal Arch
- Leg Length Discrepancy
- External hip rotation
- Changes in foot gear or training surface
- Decreased lower extremity Muscle mass
- Muscle Fatigue
- Cowan (1996) Med Sci Sports Exerc 28(8): 945-52 [PubMed]
- McCormick (2012) Clin Sports Med 31:291-306 [PubMed]
- Gallo (2012) Sports Health 4(6): 485-95 [PubMed]
- Systemic Diseases that weaken bone
- Osteoporosis (Female Athlete Triad, RED-S)
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Osteoarthritis
- Pyrophosphate Arthropathy
- Renal Disease
- Joint Replacement
- Other Associated risk factors
- Tobacco Abuse
- Alcohol >10 drinks per week
- NSAID longterm use
- Weight extremes (BMI <19 or >30 kg/m2)
- Female Athlete Triad (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport)
- Female Gender
- Female runners are twice as likely as male runners to sustain Stress Fractures
- Highest risk among female runners with lower BMI, increased foot pronation and wider Pelvis
- Pujalte (2014) Med Clin North Am 98(3): 851-68 [PubMed]
- Nutritional deficiency
- Eating Disorder or dieting
- Inadequate Dietary Calcium
- Inadequate Vitamin D (Vitamin D Deficiency)
- Low Fat Diet
- Nieves (2010) PM R 2(8): 740-50 [PubMed]
VI. Pathophysiology: Distribution
- Sites of Stress Fracture are dependent on causative activity
- Common Stress Fracture Sites
- Tibia Stress Fracture (23-50% of Stress Fractures among athletes)
- Metatarsal Stress Fracture (16% of Stress Fractures)
- Fibula Stress Fracture (15% of Stress Fractures)
- Tarsal Navicular Stress Fracture
- Calcaneal Stress Fracture
- Medial Malleolus Stress Fracture
- Femoral Neck Stress Fracture (6%)
- Femoral Shaft Stress Fracture
- Pubic Ramus Stress Fracture
- Pelvic Stress Fracture (1-2%, almost exclusively in women)
- Lumbar Stress Fracture
- Coracoid process Stress Fracture
- Humerus Stress Fracture
- Olecranon Stress Fracture
- Most common Stress Fracture sites in high school and college athletes
- Lower leg (32 to 40%)
- Foot (35 to 38%)
- Lumbar Spine or Pelvis (12 to 15%)
- Pelvic Stress Fracture
- Pubic Ramus Stress Fracture
- Lumbar Stress Fracture
- Femur (7%)
- References
- Stress Fracture by complication risk
- High complication risk sites
- Anterior Shaft Tibia Stress Fracture
- Tarsal Navicular Stress Fracture
- Femoral Neck Stress Fracture (esp. tension sided, superior aspect)
- Often requires prophylactic surgery (even low-grade Stress Fractures)
- Base of fifth Metatarsal Stress Fracture (proximal diaphysis)
- Base of second Metatarsal Stress Fracture
- Medial Malleolus Stress Fracture
- Talus Stress Fracture
- Great toe Sesamoid Fracture
- Patella Stress Fracture
- Low complication risk sites
- Posteromedial Shaft Tibia Stress Fracture
- Fibula Stress Fracture
- Femoral Shaft Stress Fracture
- High complication risk sites
VII. Symptoms
- Deep ache following rapid training change (too fast, too far, too soon)
- Pain progression
- Start: Pain after activity
- Next: Pain with activity
- Next: Pain with walking (at presentation in 81% of patients)
- Last: Pain at rest
- Night pain rarely occurs
- Consider another diagnosis (e.g. malignancy)
VIII. Signs
- Fracture site intense localized pain
- Specific Tests for leg or pelvis Stress Fracture
- Fulcrum Test
- Hop Test
- Poor Specificity (common finding in Shin Splints)
- Batt (1998) Med Sci Sports Exerc 30(11): 1564-71 [PubMed]
IX. Differential Diagnosis
- Chronic Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Tendinopathy or Muscle Strain
- Ligamentous Injury
- Chronic Compartment Syndrome
- Osteoarthritis
- Hypertrophic Pulmonary Osteoarthropathy
Nerve Compression Syndromes
- Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome
- Herniated Intervertebral Disc
- Infections
- Chronic or Subacute Osteomyelitis
Bone Neoplasm
- Primary Benign
- Primary Malignant
- Metastatic Neoplasm to bone
X. Labs
- Serum 25-HydroxyVitamin D Level
- Consider in Bone Stress Injury
- However interpretation may be difficult (i.e. what is considered normal)
XI. Imaging
- Overall imaging approach (preferred)
- Step 1: XRay negative and Stress Fracture suspicion persists (while restricting activity)
- Step 2: Repeat XRay in 2-3 weeks is negative and Stress Fracture suspicion persists (while restricting activity)
- Step 3: Obtain MRI (preferred) or bone scan
- May perform earlier in moderate-severe symptoms, high risk site or unable to reduce activity
- Imaging modalities
- Stress Fracture XRay
- Stress Fracture Bone Scan
- Stress Fracture CT
- Stress Fracture MRI
- Preferred second-line study after XRay
- Identifies marrow edema (stress reaction) and subtle Fracture lines
- Evaluates regional soft tissue
- Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
- Findings suggestive of Bone Stress Injury (operator dependent)
- Subcutaneous edema
- Periosteal thickening
- Cortical Bone irregularity
- Periosteal Callus
- Local hyperemia (doppler)
- Ultrasound is being investigated for specific Stress Fracture sites (e.g. Metatarsal Stress Fracture)
- Findings suggestive of Bone Stress Injury (operator dependent)
XII. Grading: Bone Stress Injury
- Grade 1: Stress Reaction (low-grade)
- XRay normal
- MRI with periosteal edema (T2) and normal marrow (T1)
- Bone scan with small, poorly defined lesion and cortex with mild activity increase
- Grade 2: Stress Reaction (low-grade)
- XRay normal
- MRI with moderate marrow and periosteal edema (T2) and normal marrow (T1)
- Bone scan with increased well-defined, elongated lesion and cortex with moderate activity increase
- Grade 3: Stress Reaction (high grade)
- XRay normal, periosteal reaction or distinct Fracture line
- MRI with severe marrow and periosteal edema (T1 and T2)
- Bone scan with wide fusiform lesion and corticomedullary region with high activity increase
- Grade 4: Stress Fracture
XIII. Management
- Reevaluate patients every 1 to 3 weeks (with imaging as needed)
- Analgesia
- Acetaminophen is preferred over NSAIDS (which may delay bone healing)
- Nutrition
- See Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)
- Adequate nutrition to support healing and activity
- Consider Vitamin D Supplementation in patients at higher risk of deficiency
- Immobilization
- Short-leg Casting or CAM-Walker Indications
- Non-compliance
- High-risk for non-union
- Navicular Stress Fracture
- Metatarsal Stress Fracture
- Pneumatic brace (Air cast)
- Support results in quicker recovery and less pain
- Indicated in tibial and fibular Stress Fractures
- Short-leg Casting or CAM-Walker Indications
- Activity Restriction (protocol assumes lower risk Bone Stress Injury)
- Relative Rest for 4-7 weeks (may require up to 3 months)
- Activity should be pain-free only
- Start with crutch walking only (non-weight bearing on affected limb)
- Attempt to walk without Crutches for 2 minutes at 2 MPH each day (and otherwise Crutches only)
- Advance to 5 min, 10 min and 15 min without Crutches on subsequent days as tolerated
- Advance to pain free ambulation once ambulating without Crutches for 15 min/day (pain free)
- Reduce Stress Fracture risk
- Non-weight bearing until pain free while walking
- Tibia Stress Fracture
- Femoral Stress Fracture
- Cross training
- Consider formal rehabilitation program with physical therapy for strength and Stretching
- Goals
- Cardiovascular conditioning
- Flexibility
- Proprioception
- Strength
- Activities
- Return to Running Protocol (example)
- Perform chosen cross-training activity 30 min/session, 3 times weekly as tolerated
- Once pain free (or <=3/10) after 3 sessions, may advance to walk-to-Running program
- Phase 1: Hopping
- Phase 2: Walk to jog intervals (non-consecutive days)
- Phase 3: Return to 2 to 3 Running sessions/week (gradual return while pain-free)
- Additional progression specific to patient goals (consider sports medicine or physical therapy guidance)
- Progressive sport specific movement training
- High impact training
- Full return to sport and normal activity clearance after completing specific targets
- References
- Progressive return to primary activity Precautions
- Many low risk Stress Fractures (e.g. tibia, fibula) require 4-8 weeks of rest prior to resuming Running
- Pain free ambulation and cross training for at least 2 weeks, before reinitiating Running
- Start at 30-50% of preinjury intensity and duration
- Gradually increase intensity and duration by no more than 10% per week
- Pain with activity or after activity should signal need to rest or back-off intensity and duration
- Surgery or Sports Medicine Referral Indications
- Indications
- High Risk Stress Fracture Sites including non-union
- Non-healing Fractures
- Persistent symptoms at 3 months
- Specific high risk sites
- Tarsal Navicular Stress Fracture
- Proximal anterior Tibia Stress Fracture
- Base of fifth Metatarsal Stress Fracture (proximal diaphysis)
- Base of second Metatarsal Stress Fracture
- Femoral Neck Stress Fracture
- Medial Malleolus Stress Fracture
- Talus Stress Fracture
- Great toe Sesamoid Fracture
- Patella Stress Fracture
- Modifying factors
- High risk Stress Fracture sites have high complication rates
- Malunion
- Progression to complete Fracture
- Avascular necrosis
- Arthritic changes
- High risk Stress Fracture sites with non-displaced, low-grade MRI may respond to conservative therapy
- Consider 6-8 weeks of immobilization and non-weight bearing
- High risk Stress Fracture sites have high complication rates
- Indications
- Measures without enough evidence to recommend
- Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
- Low Intensity pulsed Ultrasound
- Photo-biomodulation (low level Light Therapy)
- Bone Marrow Aspirate concentrate injections
- Platelet rich plasma injections
- Pulsed recombinant human Parathyroid Hormone
- Electromagnetic field devices (Questionable efficacy, High cost)
XIV. Complications
- Stress Fracture or Complete Fracture (in contrast to low grade Bone Stress Injury)
- Delayed union or nonunion
- Avascular necrosis
XV. Prevention
- Do not increase Exercise intensity >10% per week
- Maintain fitness starting in childhood with regular and varied Physical Activity
- Stretch and warm-up before Exercise
- Choose level Running surfaces
- Shoes should be light weight and in good condition
- Consider Orthotics for biomechanical factor correction
- Shock-absorbing insoles may be beneficial
- Osteoporosis Prevention (unclear efficacy)
- Military recruit shoes
- Light shoes with small heel to toe drop, wider toe box
- Kasper (2023) Transl J Am Coll Sports Med 8(4): 1-7 [PubMed]
XVI. Reference
- Simmons (1997) AAFP Sports Med Review
- Titchner, Morris and Davenport (2021) Crit Dec Emerg Med 35(5): 17-23
- Buckwalter (1997) Am Fam Physician, 56(1):175-182 [PubMed]
- Patel (2011) Am Fam Physician 83(1): 39-46 [PubMed]
- Sanderlin (2003) Am Fam Physician 68:1527-32 [PubMed]
- Schroeder (2024) Am Fam Physician 110(6): 592-600 [PubMed]
- Warden (2014) J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 44(10): 749-65 [PubMed]