II. Management: General Measures
- Weight loss (for those with BMI >25 kg/m2, and esp. BMI >30 kg/m2)
- Improves pain and function (as well as overall general health)
- Greater weight loss is associated with greater pain reduction
- Brosseau (2011) Phys Ther 91(6):843-61 +PMID:21493746 [PubMed]
- Christensen (2007) Ann Rheum Dis 66(4):433-9 +PMID: 17204567 [PubMed]
- Messier (2018) Arthritis Care Res 70(11): 1569-75 [PubMed]
- Lower Extremity Strengthening Exercises
- Educate patient regarding importance of Exercise
- Exercise knees 20-30 minutes per day
- Physical Therapy to teach low extremity strength
- Quadriceps strengthening
- Gait training
- Active range of motion of hip, knee, and ankle
- Instruction in use of cane
- Graded elastic band use
- Pool Therapy
- Thai Chi
- Re-Evaluate after 4-6 weeks
- Modestly effective in reducing Knee Pain and improving function
- Exercises tailored to the patient performed for 20-30 min (and better results with 70-90 min) three times weekly
- Thomas (2002) BMJ 325:752-5 [PubMed]
- Torstensen (2023) Ann Intern Med 176(2): 154-65 [PubMed]
- Unloader Knee Brace (valgus) for medial Knee DJD
Knee taping (pattelar taping)
- Upper tape for medial/AP tilt and medial glide
- Lower tape to protect pes anserine bursa
- Hinman (2003) BMJ 327:135-8 [PubMed]
- Progressive Walking Program
- Reevaluate monthly over 3-6 months
- Adjust prior activities
- Avoid high knee impact activities
- Running
- Stair Climbing
- Avoid prolonged standing, kneeling, or squatting
- Consider Biking, Swimming
- Avoid high knee impact activities
- Avoid ineffective methods
- Lateral 5 degree heel wedge for medial knee Arthritis was not found effective
III. Management: Analgesics
- Local Cold Therapy
- Dosing: 1000 mg orally two to four times daily prn (<2-4 grams/day)
- As effective as Ibuprofen (at any dose)
- Bradley (1991) N Engl J Med 325(2): 87-91 [PubMed]
- Verkleij (2011) Osteoarthritis Cartilage 19(8): 921-9 [PubMed]
NSAIDS (use only with caution in older adults)
- Avoid in elderly
- COX2 Inhibitors offer no benefit over standard NSAIDs, and increased Cardiac Risk
- Consider Topical NSAIDs (e.g. Diclofenac)
- Effective and well tolerated
- Derry (2012) Cochrane Database Syst Rev (9):CD007400 +PMID:22972108 [PubMed]
Sodium hyaluronate or Hyaluronic acid or Viscosupplementation (Synvisc)
- Variable study results
- Study supporting use
- Intra-articular viscosupplementation
- Effectively decreases pain and increases function
- Petrella (2002) Arch Intern Med 162:292-8 [PubMed]
- Studies suggesting minimal to no benefit
Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections
- No benefit over Hyaluronic acid (Synvisc) or Placebo (saline) injections
- Filardo (2015) Am J Sports Med 43(7): 1575-82 [PubMed]
- Lewis (2022) Bone Joint J 104-B(6): 663-71 [PubMed]
Intra-articular Corticosteroid
- See Knee Joint Injection
- Offers short-term relief, but does not improve quality of life,and may result in greater cartlage loss
- Reserve for special occasion (e.g. pre-vacation)
- May consider for persistent pain not relieved with other measures, to temporize before replacement
- Mcalindon (2017) JAMA 317(19):1967-75 [PubMed]
- Depot Glucocorticoid (Triamcinolone hexacetonide)
- Avoid more than 3 times per year
- Intramuscular Corticosteroid Injection (experimental)
- One study evaluated gluteal IM Injection Triamcinolone Acetonide 40 mg
- Compared with intraarticular injection at 8 and 24 weeks, IM Injection showed equivalent efficacy
- However, intraarticular injection was superior at 4 weeks
- Wang (2022) JAMA Netw Open 5(4):e224852 +PMID: 35380645 [PubMed]
- One study evaluated gluteal IM Injection Triamcinolone Acetonide 40 mg
Glucosamine Sulfate (controversial)
- Dosing: Glucosamine 500 mg three times daily
- Glucosamine and Chondroitin are NOT recommended by AAOS
- Mixed study results, although Cochrane review did not show compelling benefit
IV. Management: Chronic Unrelenting Pain
- Topical Capsaicin Creams
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
- Local massage
- Systemic Opioid Analgesics
- Decreases pain scores by 40% and improves function
- Berman (2004) Ann Intern Med 141:901-10 [PubMed]
- Amitriptyline (Elavil)
- Pain management counseling and support groups
V. Management: Assistive Devices
- Physical Therapy
- Unloader Knee Brace (valgus) for medial Knee DJD
- Knee sleeve
- Cane
- Walker
- Occupational Therapy home visit
- Bath benches
- Raised toilet seat
- Grab bars
- Object reachers
VI. Management: Surgery
- Arthroscopy Indications
- May be indicated for loose bodies or locking, catching or giving way
- Not indicated in most cases of Knee Osteoarthritis (no longterm benefit, PT is preferred)
- Total Knee Replacement
- Indicated if moderate to severe persistent pain refractory to conservative measures