II. Pathophysiology

  1. Antiphospholipid Antibodies bind cell membrane phospholipids (including vascular endothelium)
    1. Antibody binding triggers inflammatory and prothrombotic changes
  2. Increases risk of recurrent thrombosis of any size vessel
  3. May have no link with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus despite early associations

III. Diagnosis

IV. Labs

  1. Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) prolonged
  2. Autoantibodies are present in 5% of healthy patients
  3. Positive Anticardiolipin Antibody (most sensitive test)
    1. IgG > 20 GPL
    2. IgM > 20 MPL units
    3. Possibly IgA positive
  4. Positive Lupus Anticoagulant (most specific test)
  5. Anti-B2-Glycoprotein I Autoantibodies
  6. False Positive VDRL (30-40%)

V. Prevention of thrombotic complications

  1. Anticoagulation
    1. Coumadin
      1. Moderate to high dose (INR >2) is protective
      2. Low dose (INR <1.9) does not prevent thrombosis
    2. Aspirin
      1. Protects against pregnancy loss
      2. Does not protect against thrombosis
  2. Avoid factors predisposing to thrombosis
    1. Oral Contraceptive use
    2. Immobility
  3. Modify atherosclerotic risk factors
    1. Hyperlipidemia
    2. Tobacco Abuse
    3. Diabetes Mellitus

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