II. Resources: Groups

  1. Alzheimer's Association Support Group
    1. http://www.alz.org/apps/we_can_help/support_groups.asp

III. Resources: Books and Resources for patients and their families

IV. Resources: Web Sites

  1. Alzheimer's Association
    1. http://www.alz.org
    2. Phone: 800-272-3900
  2. NIA Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Website
    1. http://www.nia.nih.gov/alzheimers
    2. Phone: 800-438-4380
  3. Family Caregiver Alliance
    1. http://www.caregiver.org
    2. Phone: 800-445-8106
    3. Phone: 415-434-3388
  4. Administration on Aging
    1. http://www.aoa.gov
    2. Phone: 202-619-7501
    3. Phone: 800-677-1116 (Eldercare)

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