II. Anatomy: Superior (Rostral) Medulla Components
- Fourth Ventricle
- Nucleii (organized in anterior-to-posterior bands)
- Somatic Motor Nucleii (most medial)
- CN 12: Hypoglossal Nerve (motor, Tongue)
- Somatovisceral nerves (Branchiomeric Nerves)
- Nucleus Ambiguous (CN 9, CN 10, swallow)
- Visceral Motor Nucleii
- CN 9: Glossopharyngeal Nerve (Inferior Salivatory nucleus)
- CN 10: Vagus Nerve (Dorsal motor nucleus )
- Visceral Sensory Nucleii
- Somatic Sensory Nucleii (most lateral)
- Somatic Motor Nucleii (most medial)
Spinothalamic Tract
- Continued pain and TemperatureSensation tracts from the spinal cord
Spinocerebellar Tract
- Continued tracts for transmitting UNCONSCIOUS proprioception Sensation (e.g. walking)
- Remains ipsilateral as it courses to the Cerebellum via the superior and inferior peduncles
Medial Lemniscus
- Proprioception Sensation from Posterior Columns (via Internal Arcuate Tract)
- Within the tract, head is represented posteriorly and legs anteriorly (as if standing on the pyramids)
- Inferior Olivary Nucleus (inferior olive)
- Coordination of specialized task related movement (via Cerebellum)
- Anterior pyramids
- Corticospinal tract
- Continued motor tracts to the spinal cord
- Corticospinal tract
III. Anatomy: Inferior (Caudal) Medulla Components
- Nucleii for Posterior Columns or dorsal columns (sensory, posterior cord)
- Transmits CONSCIOUS proprioception, vibratory Sensation and stereognosis (and partially light touch)
- Sensory signals rise within the spinal cord from Fasciculus Gracilis and Fasciculus Cuneatus
- Synapse at the Nucleus Gracilis and Nucleus Cuneatus in Medulla to form Internal Arcuate Tract
- Internal Arcuate Tract crosses over the midline at the Medulla to form Medial Lemniscus
- Medial Lemniscus courses to contralateral Thalamus and cerebral cortex
- Nucleus Gracilis
- Transmits proprioception sensory signals from the lower part of the body
- Nucleus Cuneatus
- Transmits proprioception sensory signals from the upper part of the body
- Transmits CONSCIOUS proprioception, vibratory Sensation and stereognosis (and partially light touch)
- Somatic Sensory Nucleii (most lateral)
Spinothalamic Tract
- Continued pain and TemperatureSensation tracts from the spinal cord
Spinocerebellar Tract
- Continued tracts for transmitting UNCONSCIOUS proprioception Sensation (e.g. walking)
- Remains ipsilateral as it courses to the Cerebellum via the superior and inferior peduncles
- Crossings (Decussations)
- Medial Lemniscus (from Posterior Columns via Internal Arcuate Tract) Decussation
- Corticospinal tract Decussation
IV. Anatomy: Vascular
Anterior Spinal Artery
- Supplies midline Medulla
Vertebral Artery
- Supplies Medulla between Anterior Spinal Artery and PICA
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery (PICA)
- Supplies posterolateral Medulla
V. Anatomy: Images
- Rostral (superior cross-section)
- Caudal (inferior cross-section)
- Other images
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
VI. References
- Gilman (1989) Manter and Gatz Essentials of Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology, Davis, p. 81-96
- Goldberg (2014) Clinical Neuroanatomy, Medmaster, p. 24-39
- Netter (1997) Atlas Human Anatomy, ICON Learning, p. 108-12