II. Indications

  1. Can't Intubate, Can't Oxygenate (CICO, failed airway) in age <8 years
    1. Surgical Cricothyrotomy is contraindicated in age <8 years due to very small cricothyroid membrane
  2. Provides only brief, bridging stabilization for definitive surgical airway management (e.g. 25 minutes)
    1. Surgical Tracheostomy is by contrast, highly successful in this age group (see below)

III. Protocol: Preparation

  1. Adapter off the top of a 3-0 uncuffed ET Tube (some recommend top of a 7-0 ETT)
    1. Meconium aspirator tube may also work
  2. Obtain two 3 cc syringes (one attached to angiocatheter)
  3. 12 to 14 gauge angiocatheter attached to a 3 cc syringe (plunger still in)
  4. Attach second 3 cc syringe (with plunger out) to adapter acquired as above
  5. Ambu-bag or other bag-valve mask ventilation system attached to oxygen supply

IV. Protocol: Technique

  1. Sterile technique as possible (prepare with Betadine or Hibiclens)
  2. Angiocatheter inserted at cricothyroid membrane
    1. Apply back pressure to plunger while inserting needle
    2. Insert at 90 degrees, perpendicular to cricothyroid membrane (or very minimally angled toward torso)
  3. Remove needle and attached syringe (leaving angiocatheter in place)
  4. Adapter attached to 3 cc syringe to angiocatheter
  5. Ambu-bag attached to adapter, and initiate bag masking
  6. Secure angiocatheter (as much as possible without compressing tube)

V. Precautions

  1. Consider this technique only for failed airway where Cricothyrotomy is not possible (infants and small children)
  2. Clinicians who have performed this technique report significant difficulty in adequate ventilation through a 14 gauge angiocatheter
    1. Some case reports of 25 minutes of use to transition to Tracheostomy
  3. Jet Ventilator use has poor outcomes
    1. High risk if needle perforates posterior trachea
      1. Insufflation with a single breath into paratracheal space results in massive Pneumomediastinum and death
    2. Jet Vent use resulted in only a 25% survival
      1. Albeit a last ditch effort to temporize in CICO when other measures has failed
    3. References
      1. Duggan (2016) Br J Anaesth 117 Suppl 1:i28-i38 +PMID: 27566790 [PubMed]
  4. Surgical Tracheostomy have far higher success rates than Needle Cricothyrotomy (angiocatheter, jet ventilation)
    1. Otolaryngology procedure not typically taught as an emergency airway procedure
    2. However, in children under age 8 years, surgical Tracheostomy is the only consistently successful procedure
    3. Trachea is incised vertically
      1. Do NOT incise trachea horizontally (risk of tracheal transection)
      2. Do NOT cut more than 2 tracheal rings (allows for later, less complicated surgical repair)
      3. Pass pediatric Elastic Bougie through incision and Endotracheal Tube over bougie
    4. References
      1. Morgenstern (2024) Pediatric Surgical Airway, EM:Rap, 11/11/2024
      2. Morton (2023) Br J Anaesth 130(5):636-44 +PMID: 36858888 [PubMed]

VI. References

  1. Levitan (2013) Practical Airway Management Course, Baltimore
  2. Warrington (2016) Crit Dec Emerg Med 30(8): 14-15

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