II. General
- Document exams
- Map out mole locations on a body diagram
- Consider taking pictures every 6-12 months
- Perform with bright lighting
- Abnormalities for which to observe
- See Atypical Nevus
- Changes to moles or Freckles
- Unusual appearing moles (>5 mm or pencil eraser size)
- Asymmetric
- Multiple colors
- Irregular borders
III. Timing
- Monthly examination at home
IV. Technique: Systematic review undressed in front of mirror
- Palms, between fingers, and front of Forearms
- Back of fingers, hands, and back of Forearms
- Full length mirror exam
- Sitting with hand mirror
- Inner legs
- Groin
- Bottom of Foot and between toes
- Two mirror exam (hand mirror and full length mirror)
- Back of neck
- Back
- Buttocks
- Scalp (consider using hair dryer on cool setting)
V. Prevention
- Lowers 10 year Melanoma risk by 50% in adults
- Green (2011) J Clin Oncol 29(3): 257-63 [PubMed]