II. Precautions: Non-Medical

  1. Not for Medical Care
  2. The author uses several software packages and programming languages to develop FPnotebook content
  3. For convenience, a dozen pages in FPNotebook are dedicated to quick notes on content creation

III. Technique: Keyboard Shortcuts for Editing

  1. Ctrl K-S
    1. Surround with
  2. Shift-Alt-W (web page)
    1. Wrap in div
  3. Ctrl-K-D
    1. Format page
  4. Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V
    1. If nothing selected, copy and paste the current line onto a new line immediately below
  5. Ctrl-Shift-V
    1. Cycle clipboard ring
  6. Alt-Select
    1. Multi-line Select

IV. Technique: Keyboard Shortcuts for navigation

  1. Ctrl-F
    1. Find
  2. F3
    1. Find Next
  3. F12
    1. Go to Definition
  4. Shift-F12
    1. Find all references
  5. Shift-Alt-F12
    1. Quick Find Symbol
  6. Ctrl+";"
    1. Solution Explorer searchbox
  7. Ctrl-Q
    1. Search Menu Items
    2. Filter search options with "@"

V. Technique: Keyboard Shortcuts for tooling

  1. Alt "/."
    1. Open Package Manager Console
  2. Alt-W-L
    1. Close all documents

VI. Technique: Keyboard Shortcuts for refactoring

  1. Ctrl "."
    1. Fix Suggestions
  2. Ctrl-R-M
    1. Refactor to new method
  3. Ctrl-R-R
    1. Rename
  4. Ctrl-R-E
    1. Encapsulate Field
  5. Ctrl-R-I
    1. Extract Interface

VII. Technique: Running/Debugging

  1. Ctrl-F5
    1. Run the selected project in non-debug mode
    2. Pearl: Change the solution properties, to run the selected project first

VIII. Technique: Keyboard Shortcuts (with extensions)

  1. Shift-F2
    1. Add New File (extension)

IX. Resources

Images: Related links to external sites (from Bing)

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